We are pleased that you found the way to MTL Private Label Health & Sports Nutrition GmbH.
The Company was founded in 2007 and at that time was located in Pöhsig. Started as a special supplier of selected products for strength athletes, MTL has developed into a major player in the segment of dietary supplements and sports nutrition for a broad fitness and health market. After a few extensions, MTL moved from its original headquarter to Südstrasse 80 in Grimma in 2013. In the course of this, the warehouse for finished goods with more than 2500 pallet spaces was set up and put into operation.
All productions, whether liquid, powdered or “baked goods” took place at that time in the plant in Nerchau . Since mid-2018, we have been equipped with GMP-compatible premises by expanding another location. Here we primarily mix different powders and fill this in different containers, including capsules.
If we have piqued your interest, we look forward to hearing from you. Use our online service and contact us conveniently using our contact form or call us on 03437/971450. Our team is looking forward to you and will get back to you as soon as possible.
E-Mail Support & Service
Phone & Fax
+49 (0)3437 971 450
+49 (0)3437 971 463
MTL Private Label Health & Sports Nutrition GmbH
Gerichtswiesen 13
04668 Grimma, Germany
Important information
EU Regulation
For more information on EU Regulation No. 432/2012 establishing a list of permitted health claims made on foods, other than those referring to the reduction of disease risk and to children’s development and health, please click here.
FIC information
For information on the new regulation concerning provision of food information to consumers, please click here.
Many of the above products are made at a pharmaceutical level and meet the requirements of the International Food Standard (IFS). They are certified in accordance with ISO 9001:2000 and controlled according to a Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) system. Naturally, all of our products are certified doping-free.